Monday, June 22, 2009

First Day Back in Town

Well, really I got back Saturday, but I got in at noon and slept all day so that doesn't count and Sunday's are too crazy to be considered a part of my routine. So today was my first day back in my VA routine.

No complaints, kind of a lazy day. I had lunch with Danielle and we went shopping at MacArthur Mall (aka: scoffing in outrage at all the ridiculous prices on hardly any fabric and didn't purchase anything). Mom rented "The Lazarus Project" (I recommend) ad bought Subway. And I started the construction of a shirt (forget spending lots of money on shirts, I'll make my own and they'll be just the way I want them, too!)

So I want to be booked during the three weeks that I'm back in town. This week is filling up pretty nicely but I have two other weeks that are looking slim. If you'd like to do something, I would love to make a special spot for you in my time back.

I had a fairly uneventful trip back from TX, by the way. Only one noteworthy occurance, and only because it might make a good story. But stay posted for that one.

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