Thursday, April 21, 2011

Looking back at Carrollton

I spent two weeks in Carrolton, GA with a couple I knew from Mid-Atlantic Christian University. I had the opportunity to meet a number of people and share with them what I was doing. During Southern Hills Church's Middle School and High School activities, I had the opportunity to speak to the students and inform them about God is doing about the world. It was great getting a chance to meet and talk to some missions minded kids and talk about what they want to do and how they can make that happen.
But the best parts were the generous givers. The woman who wanted to give but didn't know how she could afford it so prayed and a textbook she had put on sale a semester ago, a textbook she had almost thrown away just the week before, was bought and she gave that money to me. Or the teenager who gave me the dollar he had that he was going to buy a soda with but figured he could just make a sacrifice and get water instead so he could give to me.
How awesome!

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