Friday, April 22, 2011

All People Church in Las Vegas

"Isn't she supposed to be raising support? She sure is spending a lot of time in Vegas..."
And support raising is going great!
I came out to Vegas for 2 weeks in the beginning of February and left Vegas with $2019! But in addition to those special gifts, Vince, lead pastor of Verve, introduced me to Bret, lead pastor of All People. Bret was a trainer for those raising support like I am, so had a great passion for what I'm doing and for assisting me in any way he could. So he invited me out to serve at his church and meet the contacts that he has.
When we met for that first lunch, Bret gave me both a list of people to contact and a to-do list a mile long. Bret assured me that what ever I could complete during the week of chaos prior to Easter he would consider a bonus. But my sweet computer skills let me blow thru the list and meet most of the needs All People had listed for me.
Now the event on the horizon is the 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt! This event spanned all spring break as well. We sent out teens two by two to go door to door and pass out invitation flyers. I got to chaperon two girls standing outside of a grocery store doing the same. Thursday night, the house was packed due to a Easter Egg Stuffing Party: Food, Fellowship, and Labor.
But tomorrow is the big day!

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