Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night my external hard drive, Devon, died. So I had to buy a new one. I was thinking that I was about to run out of space on Devon so I bought a 1T hard drive. $119. Ouch. It is bulkier than Devon and not as pretty and it has that surface where if you breathe on it, all your gross oils will mar it. I named the brute Boris.
When I got home I discovered, in outrage, that the hard drive already had more than 100GB used up! This feels a lot like tithing I thought, probably in a more sad tone than it should've been. "Here buy a 1T hard drive! But you can't use 10%." Then, put out, (lets say my less than great pleasure was because I tithe to God not to a hard drive) I went to go see what was consuming 100GB of space. That is when I found 20 blockbuster movies on the hard drive! I believe that someone bought Boris and then returned him, but Walmart didn't wipe the drive before putting it back on the shelf. (Which, of course, begs the question, why did someone return Boris? is he not house-trained? I, until I discover otherwise, will believe that someone swiped Mommy's credit card for a $119 hard drive and Mommy wasn't happy about that.) And then I thought, "Wow! This is a lot like tithing! "Give me 10% and I'll give you AWESOME"!"
If all those movies were $15, that's more than double the price of the hard drive!
Devon will always have a special place in my heart.
But I will come to love Boris like you love that mangy mutt who you only bought over the lovely Akita because if someone didn't adopt it soon they'd put it down and then you bring him home to discover that he fills your home with something worth more than the price of him, a plethora of movies!

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