Wednesday, April 29, 2009

275 Letters Going Out

So, quite recently, I acquired a completely random list of churches (ask me no more questions, and I'll tell you no more lies.) And I am presently preparing support letters to send to these 275 different churches. Today has been pretty stressful as I've scrambled around trying to purchase everything I need to make the letters. Showing off my credit card as often as I have today was heartbreaking as well. After printing paper, cardstock, ink, envelopes, stamps, and prayer cards, I spent about $216.35. So, I'll need 4 churches to give me $50 in order to even break even. Hopefully, though, out of 275 churches, some of them will be willing to give me support. I'm really praying that some of them choose to partner with me. We will see.
I hope I at least break even. My wallet hurts.

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