Sunday, March 22, 2009

Focus on the Good

While this weekend has been stressful (with my computer being attacked by spyware and all), there have been a few delightful things as well.

I got my first couple who committed to supporting me monthly! I'm really excited about finally hearing a "yes." Those who said "no" of course did it for good reasons (their support of other missionaries) and I completely understand, but it can very disheartening to hang up again and again knowing that I'm no closer to my financial goal. Thus, that "yes" was very encouraging.

Also, this morning I decided to go to church later than normal because I find myself sitting around after I set up lights. So, walking in at 8:30, I see my apprentice, who is not supposed to being doing lights this month, almost finished setting up the lights! This was very relieving for me because, as he is a high school freshman, I was afraid that he wasn't responsible enough to take my place. But, instead, my apprentice saw that lights had yet to be done and got on it. Relief floods me.

Life can either be half-full or half-empty. Focusing on the good things, as few and as insignificant as they may be, keeps despair and depression at bay.

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