Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Apparently, I'm a Clutz now...

Now the objective of this blog is to keep you, the readers, updated on my (and now our) lives, in a way that is hopefully entertaining and/or enriching.This is a more successful endeavor when unusual things are happening to me. Like living in the jungle. Or being pregnant! So I apologize for the lack of posts since February (as absolutely nothing remotely interesting happened to me other than my secret first trimester).
But without any further ado!!! Let me regale you with the unusual happenings of my pregnant life!!


I don't know about other pregnant women. But I have lost the ability to manage the simplest of things. And the ability to manage my reactions to such lapses.
What do I mean by this...?

Have you ever just been holding your keys, like a normal person, in your hand, without walking or moving or anything, and suddenly they just fall out of your hand? just fall. No hand spasm, no jerking, no twiddle. More like your hand suddenly becomes insubstantial and the keys fall through your phantom phalanges. This happens regularly. Like all the time. If I put my keys in my hands, my husband stoops just in case.

Once, I tried to pour a creamer in my coffee at a restaurant. As I worked on peeling off the paper, I failed. The container flipped out of my hands and landed right in my coffee. Its sealed lid bobbed, mocking me. I let out a strangled cry as my hormones and brain got into a fight over whether it was the right decision to start crying in the middle of a restaurant over the creamer in my coffee. Luckily, Jacob was ever vigilant and not only spooned it out of my cup in a jiffy, but also (successfully) removed the paper and poured (not put) it in my cup.

I poured myself a cup of milk at the house. The last cup of milk in the jug. And I set it down on the table. Like a normal person. Except, as we know, I am not a normal person anymore. I am a pregnant lady. I don't know how or why the cup of milk capsized. All I know is that I was standing in a white kitchen chanting, "I will not cry over spilt milk, I will not cry over spilt milk..." as Jacob ran in with a towel.
(As these stories have indicated, I have also stopped being a problem solver. Luckily, Jacob has stepped up into that void.)

Is this just me? Or is this a thing?

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Never happened me, but apparently you're normal!
Congrats, BTW! So excited for you!