Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why I Pray For Stuff

More Thoughts from My Homework:

Unfortunately, our beliefs swing like a pendulum.
We take things to one extreme, until we realize that something's not right.
And then we go to the other extreme, until we realize that something is still not right.
And we seem to forget what wasn't right about the first way and swing back again.

For example,
To St Francis of Assisi is attributed the quote, "I preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
But then we see a problem. People using this statement as a crutch not to proclaim the Gospel. "I don't have to have an awkward conversation and make myself vulnerable, because I can just live like a good person and that's enough."
So we swing.
I recently saw a post that bashed this idea with an aggressive and solid blow and a wild swing to the far side. Unfortunately, I can't recall it verbatim. But the problem that will come from the swing approach is the problem of Christians who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. People who use the rebellion against that quote as license to live as they want.
But we need to fall in the middle.
It's a both thing.
Live like Christians and tell people about Jesus.

Ok. Here's my point:
You know how people are all, "you shouldn't ask God for stuff, you should just ask the His will be done"?
"God isn't your Santa Claus"
"Prayer's are powerful. You shouldn't be asking for dumb stuff. You should pray that all the orphans are adopted! Our God is big and can do stuff. You need to pray big!"
While there is truth in these statements,
It makes me feel like a horrible person!
Because then I'm all, "But my car is broken and I really need it to be fixed..."
"My husband is sick and I want him to be better."
"I really need the motivation to get all this work done."
And then these statements make me feel BAD for asking silly stupid things for myself!
But I don't feel like this is biblical.
Jesus says: "ask and you will receive". Later in the same passage it says "Your Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask Him."
Later right before Jesus dies, he says (paraphrase), Hey I really don't want to die on the cross. Like, I really don't. Please give me some other way. But your will be done.
And Jesus, per usual, gives us a great model.
Ask for what you want.
But God isn't your genie.
He's going to do what He wills.
So keep that in mind.
If God didn't grant you your request, it doesn't mean He doesn't answer prayers.
He has good gifts coming.
Like Salvation for the Entire World.

Ask for the little things. Ask for everything. Pray continuously.
Don't take this to an extreme! That was the point of my preamble!
Prayer involves praising and thanking and confessing too!
But God the Father wants to hear about your day. And wants to seek Him when you have want for anything.
He's just awesome like that.

God is not your Santa Claus.
Ask for big things because God can totally answer big prayers.
But ask for little things too.
Because God loves being sought.

This was actually something a book said that I disagreed with, so there's no point in naming the book here. 

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