Thursday, September 15, 2011

PNG Branch Needs Prayers

2 months.
2 months is how long I spent in Papua New Guinea. And not even two months spent with one missionary.
2 months is how long it took me to fall in love with a country. I didn't realize I had fallen in love with the Branch, too.
But I started to realize it. First at the passing of Eunice Messersmith, a woman I had the honor of speaking to for perhaps 3 hours total. But a woman it only took 3 hours to come to love. The pain of this loss, the pain of the Branch wrecked my heart.
I continued to realize it when, instead of being miffed that I didn't get a reply to my emails within several weeks, I became concerned with how hard the Branch must be working itself and how exhausted it must be.
And I realize it today, when two unfair, tragic stories reached my ears, stories that come to hurt 2 strong translators on our team, stories that remind us of the sin in the world.
Today, again my heart screams at the pain for the members of the Branch.
A part of me wants to go now, not necessarily because I can do anything at all, but because it seems right, to go where people are hurting.
And a part of me wonders what tragic stories are going to come to try to hurt me.

Pray that the PNG translators who've received unfair news will stand strong.
Pray for this Branch.
Pray for my Branch.

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