Monday, September 26, 2011

It's Not a Cult! ...I think ...pretty sure...

Names say a lot about a place. And sometimes, at first glance, they might scream "cult!"
Example? The Village.
But really, Jacob and I were getting desperate. We had gone to a fair handful of churches in the area and had met churches that didn't want to use the Bible because some people listening may not believe the Bible is the Inspired Word, and some churches whose manner of worship music sounded like noise to my... uncultured ears, and some churches that were on the farside of the Metroplex.
A nearby place with awesome music and Biblical-based preaching!
Is that too much to ask?

"Why, Forefront, did you spoil me so!?!?!?" -me
"By emulating a Biblical Church?" - Jacob
"Why, Forefront, Why!?!?!?" -me

So we went to The Village.
Yes, it sounds like a cult, but the normal sounding churches weren't what we were looking for. We were desperate.
We walked in and were told to scoot over to the center, that every seat was precious, that they often had to send people away for lack of room. The room sat about 300 (maybe?) and there were 5 services at that campus and 2 other campuses.
The service started by verbally giving us the order of the service and key announcements, before going into one worship song. Which was rocking.
Then the video service started and the pastor was animated and enthralling and used the Bible a lot. Which, as a Bible Translator, and a Christian, I appreciate. The sermon concluded, communion was passed which we all took at the same time, and the service was concluded with the rest of the worship set.
Rocking worship, Biblical based preaching, 20 minutes away. Win.

While in Dallas, I attend the Village Church. And it's not a cult! Well, at least, I haven't seen that side yet.

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