Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's time for a revolution.

Today was my first Cultural Anthropology class. Our professor was attending his mother's funeral, so we had a guest speaker, a missionary from Odessa. (His name escapes me and is irrelevant.)
Of course, he was advocating cross-cultural missions, but did so at the expense of mission work done here in America.
He pointed to the overwhelming numbers of churches here and the lack of any churches there. However, he failed to mention how many churches here are dying out. He mention that most church growth is because people are changing churches and not because they're converting. But, he didn't find it alarming that people here in the States aren't being converted.
I was born to be a missionary in Papua New Guinea. Not everyone can do this, but I can; therefore, I must.
However, even though I intend to leave, I know how important it is for us to have missionaries here! It's so important, in fact, and so obvious, that Africa has started sending missionaries to the States!
If the world is going to Hell, as this missionary says, America is leading the way!
It's time for a revolution!
Not to give up and flee the country to those who are "more willing to hear the Word!"
It's time for a revolution!

my holy discontent

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