Thursday, August 4, 2016

Move: An Open Letter to My Beloved Intern

My beloved intern,

Per PBT policy, I’m letting you know straight up in the introduction here that other people are reading this letter to you (because I’m nothing if not a rule follower (HAHAHAHAHA! …when it suits me) ). I’m writing you an open letter because, as preposterous as it may sound, I don’t believe that your situation is unique.  

You have a heart for missions but don’t know what you should actually do.

It is my advice that you should do something.

My husband was in a predicament much the same as yours when he was but a young single lad. He said that it was the only time he ever heard the Lord speak. Not audibly, but distinctly.


The issue wasn’t that there was any one thing that he should be doing but rather anything that would advance the Kingdom would be a route pleasing to the Lord. ESL, a pizza flipper, a waiter, a literacy specialist, the job title isn’t as important as what you do in that role. And he did them all. And in all of them, he shared his love of the Lord. (Though he wasn’t particularly talented at being a pizza flipper…)

(Though I will say that if your heart is for missions, then what you do should be missions; although, you may find yourself flipping burgers to pay through grad school and I think you can honor the Lord in that position, too.)

Not everyone has a calling, my love, but not everyone needs one.

I think of the parable of the talents. To some people, the Lord has given a heart for missions and a calling. Those that follow that path find themselves being greeted as a good and faithful servant. To some people, the Lord gives only a heart for missions. I think doing nothing with that is what the servant given one talent shows us.
Instead of doing anything at all, even dropping it in the bank to gather basic interest. The man buries his talent and does nothing. How is this man greeted on his master’s return? Not warmly.

You, with your heart for missions, how much better is it if you go home and angst and worry over what you should be doing with your life and end up doing nothing?

Let me give you a little tok save, my love: you’re a millennial and millennials are notorious for not doing anything “for life”. Rock it! Stop worrying about what God is calling you to do with the rest of your life! Maybe that’s none of your business! Maybe you’re called to walk in faith!
Start thinking about what you’re going to do next.

I’ve heard it said that sometimes God tells you to do something, not because He wants you to do that thing, but because He wants you to walk down that road to get to your next turn.

Have you ever tried to turn a stopped car’s wheels to make a sharp turn? It’s not easy changing course when you’re not even moving. Maybe God needs you to just start moving so he can direct you.

I implore you, my beloved little intern, don’t go home and forget.


Here’s a suggestion: You’re already qualified for survey. Come back here and do that. We need that work done soon. Not necessarily forever. This isn’t a commitment you’re making for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. It’s just something you can do for a season.

You wouldn’t be the first person to change careers on the field.
You wouldn’t be the first person to change fields mid-career.
And, honey, you wouldn’t even be the first person to go stateside and do something entirely different.

Feel the freedom in my words to you. Don’t trap yourself under your own expectations to have your whole life sorted out. You are but a mist, my love. Tomorrow isn’t even guaranteed for you. But Papa God has a plan for you (even if he’s playing his cards close to his chest) and it is a good one.

You only need to move.

OK! Well, now that I finished spewing that wisdom all over the place, imma go to bed. I should’ve gone down with the baby but I knew that if I tried with ALL THIS on my heart to tell you, I would only stare at the ceiling for hours composing it. And momma needs to sleep.  

Note: Apparently, my husband informs me, he heard one other word from the Great Almighty:

“Has Santa ever spoken to you?”

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