Saturday, February 1, 2014

Portland 2014

(continued from Las Vegas 2014,
which was continued from I Hate the Journey.)

Portland. The most hipster city on Earth.
From the labyrinth of Powell's book, through the bike lane lined streets, in and out of local coffee shops, to the churches we came to visit, Portland was an exciting, if not freezing, addition to our annual trip to Vegas.

It all started with a few cold calls. We got in contact with a church who said they were interested but wanted to really know the people they committed to supporting. "Give us a call if you ever find yourself in Portland," they said and we did.
Jacob's aunt works at a church up there as well. They had given us a gift for our 2012 trip to Papua New Guinea. So we were able to meet with both churches and were invited to speak at Westside Church of Christ, sharing our ministry with the congregation who had already invested in us. It was a good trip. We were excited for the opportunity and we can't wait to visit again.

3 Things We Will Definitely Revisit

Symposium Coffee - This is a charming coffee shop in Tigard run out of a house built in 1910. While the main room is excellent for the typical coffee shop atmosphere, the former bedrooms make excellent nooks for conversation and meetings. While here, I had a lavender latte. A latte I have craved everyday since.

Powell's - Our hostess warned us about taking in more money than we were willing to part with upon entering the enormous bookstore. Fortunately for our wallets, coffee was first on the agenda. I unwittingly said "for here" and received a mug that was ill-equipped to meander through the stacks with me. We will have to return so that I can get lost.

Killer Burger - This alcove of a restaurant was the prefect treat after the hockey game. With bacon and fries served with every burger, the only real question was which masterpiece to devour. I think I forgot to chew as I inhaled that huge and amazing burger. AND, since we were there at closing, they gave us about a pound of leftover bacon! For the win!

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