Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Trick to Menial Tasks

So, the trick to spending hours on menial tasks, like finding each chapter number in 25 Old Testament books, putting your cursor after the number, and then! Listen closely now, this is the important part, hitting "enter", ( yeah, that's my job right now, and let me just point out, The Old Testament doesn't have pansy books like the New Testament. No letters split into a handful of chapters, if any (ahem, John!) Not even beautiful books of narrative with a fair share of chapters. No. The Old Testament wrote EPICS! And Epics have a lot of chapters! And the books that aren't epics... well, think of how great going through Psalms is going to be!) Tasks like these can drain life.
But there is a trick! Find an appropriated analogy and think of this as you work (because it's a menial task, you don't actually have to think about what you're doing!)


We are mid-quest as my companions and I ride through the mountains at full gallop. A war is at hand! Stealing the souls of the young and the old. And only one thing can save them! But the message is in our satchel, slapping against the haunches of our steeds. We must get it to the front lines!
But then! springing up from all around us, an ambush! The Menial Task Force has us surrounding, pulling their weapons, they cry a war cry and attack. I leap off my stallion, tossing my satchel to another rider and drawing my sword. "Run!" I cry . "I'll hold them off!!"
"No!" They protest. "We won't leave you behind!" They pulled their weapons to join the battle.
I engaged with my first attacker.
"Go! The message is too important!" I dispatched him easily but his friends fell on me heavily catching up. "Too important to be delayed by the likes of these! Go! The war needs you! The people need you! Go!"
Seeing the wisdom of my words, they pull their horses about.
"Run!" I cried. "Gallop! Fly! Fly on the wings of the Lord!"
My speech had my attention divided and I found myself to consumed with the defensive to make an attack. But knowing that the message was on it's way I turned my attention back to the task at hand.
Thrusts, cuts, drop kicks, handstands, and noogies, I annihilated that task.
I slumped down into the dirt. Exhausted. Menial Task Forces are an exhausting force to be reckoned with! Exhausted by victorious! for the task was dealt with but the message was not delayed.
"Ride on my friends. We will prevail."
I found my horse grazing nearby, completely disinterested in the epic battle I just won.
"Stupid horse," I muttered, mounting up.

If you are thinking up such a story in your head, the task will be much more interesting, go faster, and, depending on how long your task takes, you could publish a novel afterwards!

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