Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Biggest Animal in PNG

There are no lions or tigers or bears in Papua New Guinea.
What there is is (arguably) much, much worse.

A cassowary is, to be frank, a man killing bird.
Picture an ostrich. Shrink it just a little. Only 6 1/2 feet tall. Just 125 lbs.
It's head is electric blue, to warn you.
And picture the feet of a raptor. 5 inch dagger toes.
And they're crazy territorial.
They will chase you at 30 mph.

This is why missionaries have guard dogs.
A diversion while we run away.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why I don't like Missions Classes

It's been a while since I've posted anything here because it's been a while since I've been able to follow a thought coherently enough to write a blog post about it. (< That sentence was a lot harder to type than it should have been) I think, if I actually finish this post, I'll be so proud of me, I'll get Jacob to bring me home Oreos. I love Oreos.

Mostly I've been on an endless loop of nonsensical mnemonics and their (word that means goes with) key words, scholars, and years of publications. 8 weeks til comprehensive exams.

But when everything gets to be too much, I brew a cup of tea and curl up with my Kindle.
Wrapping myself in a warm blanket, and inhaling deeply the aroma of vanilla (vanilla sleepytime tea smells of my childhood), I turn on my Kindle... to see... my Johnson University homework reading.
Yeah! Being enrolled in just one college is for underachievers! (< not at all a serious utterance.)
So sometimes I take a break from homework to do homework.
That's my life right now.
And let me tell you.
I hate missions homework.


Because every time I start studying for missions I think,
"Yes! I'm going to do that!
Yes! This is good knowledge!
Apply ALL the things!
I have to go to PNG!
And then Jacob asks me why I'm packing the house.
Apparently we have 9 more months in Dallas or whatever.

And then I look up. And realize.
I'm not going to PNG right now.
I'm going to sit in front of my computer and force myself to study
all day
When I wake up.
When I'm in class.
When I get out of class.
When I'm driving. (I have Jacob drill me on flashcards)
When I'd rather be sleeping.
And that's a rather depressing thought.
So I try to avoid doing my missions class.
Because it just reminds me that there's something significantly more awesome in store for me than my present circumstance.
And it's still a long ways off.
In brighter news, Jacob is coming home with oreos!

(Sometimes it has to be the little things)