The other day I read through Phillipians. And some things jumped out to me. One thing in particular was Phil 2:14, "Do everything without complaining and arguing,"
Lately, I haven't been doing this at all! Attending a scchool that is taught by missionaries means that you cross cultures everytime you step into the next class. Missionaries generally teach in the style of the culture that they worked in. Now, when you have many missionaries from many different places as your professors, you have to not only adapt to a different culture, but adapt to many different cultures at the same time. What's more frusturating is that this is an acedmeic setting; therefore, there's an expectation that I receive a certain grade. However, not all cultures talk about things directly, not all cultures say "I expect you to give me ____, ______, and ________ and then you will pass." This has frusturated me a great deal and I have complained. a lot.
So this week, I'm working on patience, love, tolerance, and not complaining.