Back when love was new, when you wandered into the stores of your choosing to pick out the items you'd like to begin your life of togetherness with. And then it began.
Everyone I've talked to about wedding registry day acquires a shadow over their face as the memories resurface.
And we all know what the worst wedding registry store of them all is.
Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Some have called it the Day of the Fight. Others, the Day of the Tears. But (almost) all us married folks know that day of being blindsided by the horror of horrors that is wedding registry day.
And the reason it's so bad, you single people or profoundly lucky married ones ask?
For the first time, nitty gritty details of day to day life are being hacked out in a store over the course of hours (which you don't realize until you walk out and look at the time).
"Why do we need that?! I don't even know what that is!"
"Seriously? It's a steamer!"
"It looks like a deformed colander. Which! By the way! We do in fact need!"
"Why spend money on a colander?! Just hold the pasta back with a spoon!"
"You're supposed to rinse the pasta!"
Baby registry day... On baby registry day you walk in with gloom of wedding registry day over you, but with adorable little baby things drawing you in. You sit down at Babies R Us Registry Desk for the same reason you sat at Bed Bath and Beyond, because that's where you go. But instead of jamming a book of overpriced dinner plates in your face, they give you a bottle of water. And a gift bag. And then you're confused. This seems... nice. They give you a list of things you need. Which is such a relief because if this is your first you have no idea what babies need. And then you go through the aisles and check off the list, scanning items all the while. When you get to scary places like the diaper rash aisle, you stop random mothers and ask what Butt Paste they use, and suddenly you use that too! And off you go down another aisle of adorable baby things. There's nothing to fight about in the magical land of babies.

Skipping to the car after spending three hours in a store?
Previous to Baby Registry Day, I would have scoffed, but forever more, my face will brighten upon the memory of: Baby Registry Day.
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