...I'm just more productively productive in the morning.
And "morning" should be redefined for this post...

The car breaks down and I have to deal with that. Over.
I have a morning coffee appointment. Over.
I have to work in the library. After that work, over.
I eat. Over.
(The word "over" starts to look funny when you type it a bunch. I will abstain from doing so.)
After this, I can do other things. TONS of other things. Just not VERY productively and often not financially beneficial.
I can clean out my inbox.
I can personal blog.
I can craft. (My most recent crafts have been gifts so that's ... you know... purposeful.)
I can read.
I can clean. (If it can be done while watching TV. Which is fine since the room in most desperate need of cleaning is the room my computer is in, since, well, I live in this room. Jacob cleans the kitchen. and I bring the laundry in here.)
I can do work for PBT. (Out of place, I know. But I really like working for PBT...)
So things I don't really want to do. Morning. Before I'm awake enough to rebel against obligations.
The Rule Breaker: When I'm held accountable. So, getting together with a group of people FOR THE SAKE of working.
Working at the restaurant (I just walked in there again. Everyone was like "I haven't seen you in FOREVER!" I was all, "Honey. I've quit." "Good call.")
Afternoon classes.
Evening Greek Study Sessions. (Based on the commitment level of the others present...)
I need to place the stuff I need to get done on my own at the front of the day. And everything else later.
I foresee wanting to do homeschooling first thing. (A missionary told me her son liked to finish his work ASAP so he could go play with his friends.)
I intend to schedule checking sessions with the national translators in the afternoon since, if they're coming, not only MUST I be productive, but also I MUST be prepared.
It's hard to say what things I won't want to do and so must place in the morning. I would say the boring data entry or what I did for homework in Greek and Discourse Analysis but when in PNG and doing such things I just really love doing it....
I'm sure there will be something I don't want to do and now I have a spot in my schedule carved out for it, ready for my unproductive tendencies. But when I try to put my finger on it, I just get super excited about the career I have before me. An excitement which, counter-intuitively, I need to squish.
I have a calling. I'm very lucky like that. Most people don't know what they want to do with their lives, but here I am, 23 years old, with a goal I've been chasing FOR 7 YEARS! By the time I get to the village I will have been working toward this for 10 years. A DECADE! 40% of my life. You see, despite this calling, this epic adventure that God has invited me to be a part of, I've been watching years go by chilling in Dallas. Living in Dallas is not epic. It's hard to be a part of something as dull as my present life when I'm supposed to be elsewhere. And the more I think of what's ahead, the most difficult to bear is my current circumstances. You think about it a little bit to keep you moving forward because these steps have purpose. But just a little bit. Otherwise depression sets in and you start screaming about how boring your life is and then you curl up into a burrito. I've been there.
But the fact of the matter is that taking classes in Dallas is very boring compared to hiking through the jungles, leading Bible studies, getting caught up in fights and subsequently hit with a machete, flying in a helicopter, translating the Bible, going snorkeling, developing literacy materials, and bathing in a river while constantly watching for crocodiles.
And it's not like I can even get involved in something worthwhile here! When I'm not swamped with school work, I try to travel as much as possible to raise support so that when we can go, we can GO! Such a short term and preoccupied schedule doesn't work well with mentoring middle schoolers. (That's kinda my thing. Teaching kids how to incorporate the Bible in their daily lives. WOW! That's like half of my job description! I just noticed that! But... I mean... Scripture Impact.... It's kinda my thing. Hahaha). Yeah, so that's lame.
But here I am, keeping on keeping on. I just have one more semester. Just one more semester.....
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